Your Magick Aunties

Your Magick Aunties

Your Magick Aunties

Your Magick Aunties is a collective of potty-mouthed middle-aged witches.

Come find us when you need the finest wares and advice for life, love, and hexing.

We’ll be popping around the DC metro area, and beyond.

Black magic book of spells, runes and candles on ritual witch table. Occult, esoteric and fortune telling still life. Mystic background with vintage objects

Auntie Ketzirah

Maker and Teacher

of the Sacred Arts

Jewitch, Ordained Kohenet

Potty-mouthed Pop Culture Priestess

Auntie Angela

Equal-opportunity Polytheist, Pagan Priestess, and Reverend Pottymouth

Spirit-led Visual Artist

Tarot cards with cup of tea, flowers and black candles on planks

Where to find us

Your Magick Aunties

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Upcoming Events

6/1/24: Old Ellicot City Pride

Atlas Brew Works (Ivy City)

July: 13, 2024

Aug 17, 2024

Auntie Angela

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Auntie Ketzirah

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Mystic Still Life with Magic Objects, Esoteric, Occult and Wicca Concept

Dear Aunties,

I've been dealing with some toxic energy in my life lately. How can I protect myself?"

Have a dilemma that only the Aunties can help solve?

@magickaunties on Instgram!

Alright, darling, let's brew up a remedy for that toxic mess! Gather up a pinch of sage, a dash of rosemary, and a sprinkle of sea salt. Mix them up with intentions pure and true, yell “FUCK YOU,” and then blow it in a circle around you.

Now, picture that negativity evaporating like cheap perfume in a hurricane, and wrap yourself in the protective embrace of your own damn awesomeness.

Love, Your Magick Aunties